the DVSA and TfL today both issued guidance on Driver CPC and FORS approved training which allows Training Organisations to continue to deliver classroom based training during lockdown.
This is subject to being able to provide a covid-safe environment for trainers and delegates.
We are still providing remote training but have reacted to feedback from Drivers attending courses who have overwhelmingly expressed a preference for the classroom or in-person course over ‘sharing a screen for 7 hours’
The great news for all Training Organisations in these times is to be able to serve our customers with high quality training but what does a covid-safe environment look like for delegates.
Firstly, we reduce the numbers of attendees on each course – 12 for a purely classroom course, 16 for Safe Urban Driving and 8 for Emergency First Aid for Drivers with social distancing observed whenever possible.
Constant circulation of fresh air is a must within the classroom environment at all times.
Sanitisation of all chairs and tables pre and post course, the wearing of face masks in enclosed spaces and the use of hand sanitisers on each entry into the classroom has, by now, become routine for everyone.
For all DVSA and FORS Classroom Training Pre-course questionnaires and temperature checks are also accepted in good humour
Refreshments are brought by the delegates and must be consumed away from the classroom, with the exception of a bottle of water which is bought by the case and distributed by the PPE wearing Trainer.
For the bikes on a Safe Urban Driving course all possible contact points are sanitised before each use and before being stored away.
For Emergency First Aid for drivers we’ve gone above and beyond HSE and awarding body recommendations with 1 manikin per delegate, along with masks, gloves and goggles and the limiting of contact to 1 person from within their ‘Workplace Bubble’
We will be publishing dates for upcoming open courses within the next few days but should you want to register your interest or enquire about our company solutions please Contact Us for further information