Daily Vehicle Checks and Defecting

Carrying out Daily Vehicle Checks and Defecting, or reporting any defects found, is one of the most important parts of any professional driver’s responsibilities

This 3.5 hour module in based around the DVSA Guide to Maintaining Roadworthiness to help Drivers understand what systems to check and what constitutes a defect.

We use the DVSA’s guidance on the categorisation and assessment of vehicle defects to give Drivers an understanding of serious or safety critical defects and the actions which thay must take based on what they find

The aim of the course is for Drivers to understand the importance of Daily Checks and their role in maintaining a vehicles roadworthiness.

Topics covered include


Driver and Operator responsibilities


Effective maintenance regimes


Daily walkaround checks & reporting defects – the process


The requirements for record keeping


Police and DVSA roadside stops


Outcomes – infringements and penalties

Improving your Drivers attitude towards Daily Vehicle Checks and Defecting is an important element of any effective maintenance system and key to your organisation living up to the undertakings of your Operator Licence

HGV Daily Checks

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