Saturday 25th Jan 2020 we delivered the second of 2 FORS Van Smart courses for FORKERS Ltd at their head office in West Bromwich. For the uninitiated Van Smart is part of the Vulnerable Road User safety training which is required for those seeking FORS Silver accreditation.
What made this course different is we were able to call on one of the most experienced and capable theory trainers in Don Brebner to deliver these sessions.
I first came across Don delivering FORS Practitioner workshops a number of years ago and was impressed with his professionalism, in-depth knowledge of his subject and the level of engagement he commanded from his audience.
We were delighted to be able call on Don’s considerable knowledge and skills to deliver a great learning experience for our Client and look forward to working with him in the future.
Should your organisation be looking to progress to FORS Silver and require either Van Smart or Safe Urban Driver training, or go further to FORS Gold and need FORS LoCITY for Drivers training, please contact us